December 30, 2010

Random Randomness...

Okay, so sometimes (a lot of times) I take pictures of things that may seem random to other people.  Do I take pictures of things just to make a blog post?  No...  Do I take pictures of random things and think they are really cool and want to post them on my blog?  Yes...  This post would be one of those.  :)

Christmas Eve DH and I drove around so I could take some pics of the snow....DH especially loves when I ask him to stop in the middle of the road so I can get out and take a pic...and then a cop pulls up beside us and I have to jump back in the car like I was just fixing my shoe? :)

On Christmas I decided to create a last minute centerpiece.
This is what I came up with...I thought it was fun and festive...

I realize I could have done a better job cleaning the vase...but didn't realize this until after I filled it with water and lit the candles....oh well....

And beans.  I made green beans with olive oil and shallots as the vegetable for our Christmas dinner.  I liked how green they were....and took a pic.  Random... :)


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