January 19, 2010

Post It

This past weekend my mom and I went to lunch at Bread Co.  FYI, they have the best greek salad!  I ordered first and then went and sat down.  I chose the table closest to the window, with the view of the street.  I like people watching.  I seriously could sit on a bench or at a table in bread co all day long and just stare out the window and watch people.  I guess I'm just weird like that.  As my mom and I began to dig into our lunch, I looked over and saw a picture placed in the side of the wall right next to our table.  It was a picture of an old man talking to a small child.  Attached to the picture was a small yellow post it that read,
"In remembrance of Dorman Bazzell Sr. 9/6/30-12/8/09.  His favortite spot.  Bread Co."  I looked up at my mom and we both said "Awwww!".  We were sitting at Dorman's favorite spot. I could just see him eating his lunch, reading the paper, and looking out that same window people watching.  Yes, I am easily amused, laugh very loud, always find beauty in small things, and believe that everything happens for a reason.  I believe Dorman and I had a lot in common. 

Thank you Dorman for sharing your favorite spot with us, you are obviously missed! :)

And yes this picture was taken with my Blackberry.  :)

Have a fabulous day!  Enjoy the small things! :)



Melissa said...

Kristina I loved this post, I love to find unexpected beauty like that in everyday life. I love to people watch as well, I get it from my Grandpa. My family used to live in Hawaii and he would go everyday and sit at Ala Moana Mall to people watch, he swore that if you sat there long enough, you would see every person you ever knew in your life walk by at some point. :)

This was a great post to wake up to this morning! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

I would love to sit at the Ala Moana Mall with your Grandpa and people watch! :) Thank you Melissa! :)

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